Thursday, November 10, 2011

Library Books

Lately me and the kiddies have been venturing to our local public Library. They love it and it’s FREE!  About a year ago my daughter received her own library card through a school program, so we decided to utilize the offer. Both the kids are learning to be responsible,and this just makes it a tad easier on all of us……

Designate a bin,box,basket, where you will put Library Books ONLY. Label the bin. We keep all our library cards in a small envelope. Our library has a scanner for check out,we always make sure to print our receipts. The receipt has the book titles and when they are due. We also keep these receipts in our envelope.  Since we tend to keep some books longer than others, we check those that have already been returned off the list.
*****TIP****** Keep a tote near the door and go through your books, place the books you are finished with in the tote to go back.

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